50-Hour Smartsheet Tandem Build Solution

Implementing a new solution can be overwhelming and costly, but with our 50-hour tandem build engagement, we ensure a seamless and successful transition at a reduced cost by sharing the implementation responsibilities with you, the customer, on a scale you're comfortable with.

What is a Tandem Build Engagement?
Our 50-hour tandem build engagement is a unique approach that allows customers to actively participate in the building process while leveraging our expertise. It is a collaborative effort where both the customer and GPMO work together to create a customized solution using Smartsheet. At GPMO, we have a team of experienced professionals who are experts in Smartsheet solutions. During the tandem build engagement, our experts will handle the complicated phases of the build (e.g. architecture, premium app configuration, and system admin training, etc.) whilst you handle the parts your most comfortable with like template creation/modification, dashboard formatting, and folder/workspace organization.

Starting from Templates
One of the advantages of partnering with GPMO is access to our extensive library of templates we've gathered from the hundreds of implementations we've completed. We understand that building a solution from scratch can be time-consuming, which is why we provide a wide range of pre-built templates that can be customized to fit your specific needs. These templates cover various industries and use cases, saving you time and effort in designing your solution.

Best Practice Guidance for Difficult/Advanced Components
Smartsheet offers a range of powerful features and functionalities that can be complex to implement. With GPMO by your side, you can rely on our best-practice guidance to tackle the more difficult and advanced components of your solution. We will help you optimize your workflows, automate processes, and leverage Smartsheet's advanced products to their fullest potential.

Benefits of the Tandem Build Engagement

By partnering with GPMO for the 50-hour tandem build engagement, you can expect the following benefits:

1. Hands-on Learning: The tandem build engagement allows you to actively participate in the building process, providing you with valuable hands-on learning experience.
2. Customized Solution: With GPMO's expertise and guidance, you can create a customized solution that perfectly fits your organization's unique requirements.
3. Time and Cost Savings: By leveraging our templates and best practices, you can save time and effort in designing and implementing your Smartsheet solution.
4. Maximized Solution Potential: GPMO's best-practice guidance ensures that you make the most out of Smartsheet's advanced features, optimizing your workflows and automating processes.

At GPMO, we are committed to helping you fully adopt and maximize the potential of your Smartsheet solution. With our 50-hour tandem build engagement, you can roll up your sleeves and actively contribute to the build process while benefiting from our expertise, plethora of templates, and best-practice guidance. Contact us today to get started on your Smartsheet journey with GPMO as your trusted partner.

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